By Entering Rhythm Junction Events, You Are Agreeing to these Terms:
Policy effective 7/13/2024
In order to avoid complications of enforcement, reports for anything having taken place prior to July 2024 will only be taken if they are of major offenses.


Rhythm Junction aims to provide a space for people to dance, relax, listen to good music, socialize, and have a good time. We want every single person, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, religion, etc. to be able to feel welcomed and comfortable in our spaces. It takes an entire community working together to cultivate a space where this is possible. Some behavioral standards we ask all attendees and workers to uphold themselves to include:

Consent Culture

Social dancing is an activity that requires a sense of vulnerability from both parties – both physically and expressively. It is very important to provide continuous attention to what is happening within yourself and with your partner or a potential partner. This attunement is one of the tools that helps us create a safer space for everyone, and is foundational for connected, collaborative, delightful dances.1

Consent is an agreement

  • Consent must be able to be given or revoked freely – It needs to be easy to say “no” for a “yes” to be meaningful. Preventing someone from freely saying “no” leads to a more hostile environment and is against Rhythm Junction’s code of conduct.
  • Consent is ongoing and reversible – A previously given “yes” does not negate a “no” given at any point during a dance or an evening. Consent can be revoked at any time for any reason.
  • In the absence of consent, avoid giving unwanted attention – Lingering in the proximity of someone who has revoked consent may create a sense of hostility towards the person who revoked the consent. Dancers who are having to say “no” over and over may decide to stop attending dances.
  • A “yes” to a dance does not imply consent for other forms of intimacy or connection – While many friendships and other forms of intimate relationships can be created at Rhythm Junction events, pursuing someone who is not interested is not allowed. Pay attention to the other person’s behavior. If you find yourself actively seeking someone out for dances, meals, dates, etc., and the other person is not seeking you out to the same degree, consider that you may be giving them unwanted attention.


Rhythm Junction does not tolerate harassment of any kind. Anyone found harassing another member of the community will be warned and may be asked to leave. Repeat offenders may be asked to leave for an extended period of time – and even permanently banned from returning.

Harassment can take many forms

  • Verbal – Racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, ageist, misogynistic, or otherwise bigoted language will not be tolerated. This can include acts such as using slurs, misusing someone’s pronouns, using offensive slang, mocking someone’s accent, belittling someone’s age, using an undesired nickname, unwanted banter, etc.
  • Behavioral – Racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, ageist, misogynistic, or otherwise bigoted behavior will not be tolerated. This can include acts such as cultural appropriation, touching someone’s hair, infantilizing someone, intentionally interfering with their accessibility, making a judgmental comment about appearance, etc.
  • Contextual – While often well-meaning, giving unsolicited advice or lessons on the dance floor is not tolerated at Rhythm Junction. If a dancer has requested feedback or advice, this may be provided off of the social dance floor. Telling your partner that they are hurting you is not unsolicited advice.

Physical Safety

Rhythm Junction does not tolerate behavior that puts other community members at risk of physical harm. Anyone found engaging in unsafe behavior will be warned and may be asked to leave. Repeat offenders may be asked to leave for an extended period of time – and even permanently banned from returning.

Protect the safety of yourself and others

  • Air Steps (aerials) are not permitted on the social dance floor – While air steps are welcome in jams that may occur at Rhythm Junction, outside of these designated showcase spaces, air steps (aerials) are not permitted on the dance floor to prevent injury to others.
  • Dancing safely is expected regardless of skill level – Rhythm Junction does not require any particular skill level in order to participate. However, it is expected that all dancers move in a way that keeps themselves, their partner, and other people on the dance floor free of harm.
  • Telling a dance partner that they are harming you is not unsolicited advice – Providing this feedback to each other prevents injury and creates a safer environment for everyone. If this feedback is provided to you, adjust your movements accordingly.
  • Underage consumption of alcohol or use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited – Anyone found using illegal substances and/or providing alcohol to minors will be immediately expelled. While Rhythm Junction does not have an age limit for entry, it is strongly encouraged for attendees under the age of 16 to attend with a parent or guardian. Guardians attending strictly for supervisory purposes do not need to pay entry to Rhythm Junction.

Reporting Code of Conduct Violations

If you or someone you witness is experiencing behavior that violates the above guidelines, report the behavior to either the Site Manager on duty, or any of the Rhythm Junction board members (Michael Brafford, Sarah Danielson, Bryan Soto, and Lauren Alvarez). Rhythm Junction treats reports with the strictest confidentiality, and names can be withheld following the initial report if desired. Coming forward to present problematic incidents can help the community avoid them being repeated in the future.


1 Adapted from East Coast Jam’s Consent Policy: